Hello! 👋

I am a project scientist at the AstroSat UltraViolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) Payload Operations Centre (POC), Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore. UVIT is a space telescope onboard the AstroSat space observatory. Click here to explore the stunning cosmic images captured by UVIT. UVIT is India’s first and most successful space telescope with high-resolution imaging capability.

Email: prajwelpj@gmail.com

I have been part of the UVIT POC since 2016. My job at the UVIT POC involves:

  • Routine monitoring of UVIT’s health and processing of its scientific data.
  • Developing software for monitoring, handling, processing, and analysing UVIT’s health and scientific data.
  • Detecting and solving any issues with the UVIT instrument as they arise.

Currently, my primary focus is on creating a new UVIT data release. To achieve this, a new UVIT data pipeline, UVPipe, has been developed. The latest UVIT observations are being processed using this new pipeline, and eventually, all UVIT data will be reprocessed through UVPipe.

I am passionate about open-source software and projects. You can check out my work on my Github profile. Here are a few projects I’m involved in:

I am actively involved in astronomy research, particularly investigating how AGN activity impacts star formation in galaxies. You can explore my publications on my Google Scholar profile. Here’s a Twitter thread discussing a recent paper: